Sunday, June 27, 2010
last 4 weeks...getting hard
So I don't really know what is going on. Cody and I only have 4 weeks left of the deployment. And up until a couple weeks ago I was surprised on how well we have done on this deployment. I'm so in love with my husband and he is the most wonderful man in the world. But these last two weeks have been hard. And it's nothing big. But it's strange, cause it's the little things that matter when you've been separated from your spouse for a half of a year. For instance, for the past 6 months (even longer) we have been soooo excited about getting a puppy together. We've googled different breeds and looked up training and health and personality of dogs. We've even spent hours and hours picking the perfect puppy name....our little Vega. We decided that because one of the best nights of our honeymoon in Hawaii was on top of Mauna Kea laying in a blankets sipping on hot chocolate eating crappy ramen noodles looking at the stars. Our favorite was soo pretty and was such a wonderful night. So our little puppy will be named Vega. Cody has sent me cards with pictures of puppy and we've priced around. He's told me how much he can't wait to train it with me and get puppy books and take him on walks and camping and to the beach.............and tonight he's like..."have you thought about getting a cat instead?" .....WHAT???!! A cat? Are you kidding me?? At first I thought he was kidding and I was joking with him but then he kept saying that they are easier and we don't have to worry about training him and blah blah blah.....And maybe I'm being a little stupid, but to me this crushed me. I mean partly cause I've always been more a dog person than a cat person (my cat growing up was soo mean and my dog was a sweetie) and Cody and I are dog where would this cat stuff come from. And i know that him being deployed just magnifies it....cause I feel like we're changing....not in a huge it's going to change the pathway to our life kinda way but we're changing and I don't understand why he's changing into a different person. He used to send me texts all the time and now he just keeps saying that talking isn't as satisfying anymore and just wants to be with me. And I know what he means in a way cause we're soo sick of saying the same things and we just want to be together.....I mean he's working everyday doing the same thing over and over again and I"m working and going to school so I"m doing the same thing over and over again. We're both stressed out and tired and exhausted and just ready to be back together. Cody and I are strong. But we're just tired. And for some reason, the small things are getting to me. I mean Cody is sooo sweet to me and tries so hard. But like I said it's the small things. Like we were talking about how tired we were so Cody asks if we can skype for a few mins before I go to bed....and I was like sure it would be great to laugh with you again! And so we get on and we're having fun and then he asks where all MY money is going and what i"m spending it on (we haven't opened a joint account bc he deployed soon after we married so we technically have 2 accounts and I work and we both pay the bills). Hello BUZZ kill on the convo....I mean I have no problem answering the question but we only had about 10 mins to talk before I wanted to head to I didn't want to waste it on a boring and annoying question.....why would he bring up something that boring. I mean wait till the next day....I mean and the thing is we aren't having any financial problems or anything. We're doing really it's not like a question that was burning and we needed to discuss....just pointless. and then he brings up the Cat. What the fuck? A cat? Sorry to all you cat ppl out's not really about the cat. It's about the fact that we've been planning on having soo much fun picking out our little puppy together and sometimes it's the small things that keeps you going on a deployment and to just change it up 4 weeks before you come home just crushed me. Ohh and he's planning this snow skiing trip for January and if you know my husband you know that he becomes a different person when he snow skis....he thinks he's going to be an Olympian snow he's talking about doing a bootcamp to get ready for our snow ski vacay.....Well I'm sorry that doesn't sound exciting to me at all.....not bootcamp. We used to talk about picking out a puppy and and going to a trip out to the mountains to go hiking and trailing with our puppy and wrapping up in blankets and spooning and kissing and being romantic and fun..............and now he wants bootcamp and a cat. What the F?? sorry I just need to vent. I"m so tired and exhausted. I don't have fun talking to him on the phone now....we have different images of what to do when he comes home. We will have some transitioning to do after a deployment. And I have to admit....we are a really strong couple and we love each other so much and I know that it's going to be heaven when he gets home and I actually think it will be easier when he is home. I think the separation is just killing us both. I'm just ready for him to be home. I'm tired of this stupid deployment.
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