Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Broke Cell Phone?

So I came to work today, early mind you to make up for the hours I'll be missing from school. And it is majorly slushing outside...a mix between snow and rain. I had put my cell phone in between my legs so if Cody decided to call me on my way to work for the 2nd time I would hear the phone (I never hear it in my pocket). So I get to work and I get out of the car like normal walk inside and get situated to work. Then I go to grab my cell phone to make sure it's on vibrate since I'm at work and everything. I realize it's not there. I go outside hoping I put it in the cup holder w/o realizing it. I have pure panic when I look inside my car and don't see my cell phone. I look on the ground outside of my car and there is about 2-3 inches of slush...rain and's a big icy puddle. I think I see a shadow in the water. It's my cell phone. ARRRRGGGG!!! It's shut down and vibrating at the same time. I immediately try to dry it off and get all the water out....GAUGH!!!!!!!!!!!

Now it's sitting here drying and I have NO IDEA if it's gonna work again! How do I manage to break the best means of communication with my husband??? And I have these adorable pictures of him on my cell phone and I have these sound clips and videos I took of him before he went on deployment. I listen and watch them every night before bed. I'm going to be soooooooo sad if it's broken and they can't get them off :( And I have all my phone numbers in there and I've been meaning to transfer them to a hard copy. But really I could live w/o phone numbers. I don't think I can live w/o talking to Cody or losing those cute pictures and videos. I'm really sad :( Pray really hard that my cell phone will turn on once it is dry!!!!


  1. If you're like me, you have your phone and/or computer glued to your hip at all times throughout the deployment. haha I hated missing phone calls. I take it you got it working, though? I just saw your post on MSSN.

  2. Yes...I totally keep it glued to my hip!! I love hearing his voice!! And unfortunately I don't have it working yet :o( I have my calls forwarded to my work cell until I get a new one or they can fix my old one! I'm soo sad too....I hope they can save my pictures and phone numbers!!
