Option 1:
Schedule a C-Section at 39 weeks pregnant (that's in like 9 days....9....OMG)
Option 2:
This Friday, if the baby is not sitting too too low, the doctor can bring me to the hospital and try to do an external cephalic version....basically turning her from the outside of my uterus.
Soooo.....not sure what I'm going to do. I really want to have Norah vaginally but the doctor was saying that there could be reasons why she is sitting breached (eg. cord to short, baby too big, ect). There is a 50-50% success rate with the external turning, and one of the things that can make it difficult to turn is if the baby is sitting low, or the cord is in the way or if the placenta is blocking something (can't remember what). If something goes wrong while trying to turn her they might have to do an emergency C-Section.
What I'm thinking: On Friday's doctor's appt. I'll have them do an ultrasound to see how Norah is sitting and check out her position, the cord position and the placenta. If all of our ducks are in a positive row and it's looking good....I'll try to have the external. If she is sitting really low or if something is in the way I'll just schedule the C-Section. ohhh the choices. I'm scared poopless anyway around it. It all sounds EXTREMELY PAINFUL!!! Either way....in a couple weeks I'll have my little girl in my arms!! Can you believe it.
We just had another fun fetal photos ultrasound....and got really good pictures of Norah's face. Check them out. It's amazing how much she looks like our baby....I can't already see features that remind me of Cody in her! Can't wait to see her in real life!!
And here are some new pictures of the Vega bear!!!
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