Friday, February 19, 2010

My heart hurts again

WOW.............this is sooooooooooooo hard!!  My eyes are just so tired and hurt from crying for so long!  I was doing sooo good lately.  I've been staying busy and having fun with family and friends.  And I needed some time alone, to regroup, to relax.  But with alone time comes reflection...comes memories.....comes hurt!  I would give my right kidney if I could just be laying next to Cody!  I can't believe that I married my best friend....the best man I've ever known!  It's funny, as a little kid I grew up watching all the Princess movies....Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Little Mermaid......and I always had this fairytale type of fantasy that I would one day have the same life.  That I would have my "happily ever after"  have my very own prince.  And you go through life trying to find that.....and a couple times I think, we'll this guy...this relationship is never have I thought this is THE ONE.....until I met Cody!  And I can't believe that I'm soo happy!  When he is here or when he is deployed, whenever I think about him or whenever I am with feels like I'm in heaven, like I've found the ONE person that I was made for.  I look at our love and I know it will last forever and ever!  I've never felt more sure about anything in my life!  God blesses you in so many ways and I have to say that I've been soo blessed!  I've had the best parents in the world and now I have the best husband in the world.  How does he make me feel beautiful and special everyday???  I fall more in love with him everday....that's just amazing!

OMG, he just sent me an email to my cell phone....and I just ended up balling at this very second!  He just wrote me "Goodnight my little sugarbear I love you with all my heart!  Your the bestest wiff in da world.  I wanna tuck you in and hold you tight until you fall asleep"! did I get so lucky to find him?? 

And last night he sent me 2 emails to my cell saying "Your my true love and I'm crazzy about ya, I can't stand being away from ya!" and then right after that he sent me one saying "I can't listen to country music because all I do is think about you and how wonderful and loving and gorgeous you are, goodnight gorgeous georgie"

My eyes are soo red right now, LOL, I'm soo pathetic, such a dork!  But I just really really hurt right now!  I just want him to rub my head and make all the hurt go away!  Deployments are definitely NOT for the weak!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! It's Kacy from MSSN. Your words rang true for me, too. Finding the one is such an awesome feeling. Hang in there with the deployment. When it's over, you may even be thankful for it. I was when my husband got home because I realized how much closer we became over that year apart.
