Sunday, June 27, 2010
last 4 weeks...getting hard
So I don't really know what is going on. Cody and I only have 4 weeks left of the deployment. And up until a couple weeks ago I was surprised on how well we have done on this deployment. I'm so in love with my husband and he is the most wonderful man in the world. But these last two weeks have been hard. And it's nothing big. But it's strange, cause it's the little things that matter when you've been separated from your spouse for a half of a year. For instance, for the past 6 months (even longer) we have been soooo excited about getting a puppy together. We've googled different breeds and looked up training and health and personality of dogs. We've even spent hours and hours picking the perfect puppy name....our little Vega. We decided that because one of the best nights of our honeymoon in Hawaii was on top of Mauna Kea laying in a blankets sipping on hot chocolate eating crappy ramen noodles looking at the stars. Our favorite was soo pretty and was such a wonderful night. So our little puppy will be named Vega. Cody has sent me cards with pictures of puppy and we've priced around. He's told me how much he can't wait to train it with me and get puppy books and take him on walks and camping and to the beach.............and tonight he's like..."have you thought about getting a cat instead?" .....WHAT???!! A cat? Are you kidding me?? At first I thought he was kidding and I was joking with him but then he kept saying that they are easier and we don't have to worry about training him and blah blah blah.....And maybe I'm being a little stupid, but to me this crushed me. I mean partly cause I've always been more a dog person than a cat person (my cat growing up was soo mean and my dog was a sweetie) and Cody and I are dog where would this cat stuff come from. And i know that him being deployed just magnifies it....cause I feel like we're changing....not in a huge it's going to change the pathway to our life kinda way but we're changing and I don't understand why he's changing into a different person. He used to send me texts all the time and now he just keeps saying that talking isn't as satisfying anymore and just wants to be with me. And I know what he means in a way cause we're soo sick of saying the same things and we just want to be together.....I mean he's working everyday doing the same thing over and over again and I"m working and going to school so I"m doing the same thing over and over again. We're both stressed out and tired and exhausted and just ready to be back together. Cody and I are strong. But we're just tired. And for some reason, the small things are getting to me. I mean Cody is sooo sweet to me and tries so hard. But like I said it's the small things. Like we were talking about how tired we were so Cody asks if we can skype for a few mins before I go to bed....and I was like sure it would be great to laugh with you again! And so we get on and we're having fun and then he asks where all MY money is going and what i"m spending it on (we haven't opened a joint account bc he deployed soon after we married so we technically have 2 accounts and I work and we both pay the bills). Hello BUZZ kill on the convo....I mean I have no problem answering the question but we only had about 10 mins to talk before I wanted to head to I didn't want to waste it on a boring and annoying question.....why would he bring up something that boring. I mean wait till the next day....I mean and the thing is we aren't having any financial problems or anything. We're doing really it's not like a question that was burning and we needed to discuss....just pointless. and then he brings up the Cat. What the fuck? A cat? Sorry to all you cat ppl out's not really about the cat. It's about the fact that we've been planning on having soo much fun picking out our little puppy together and sometimes it's the small things that keeps you going on a deployment and to just change it up 4 weeks before you come home just crushed me. Ohh and he's planning this snow skiing trip for January and if you know my husband you know that he becomes a different person when he snow skis....he thinks he's going to be an Olympian snow he's talking about doing a bootcamp to get ready for our snow ski vacay.....Well I'm sorry that doesn't sound exciting to me at all.....not bootcamp. We used to talk about picking out a puppy and and going to a trip out to the mountains to go hiking and trailing with our puppy and wrapping up in blankets and spooning and kissing and being romantic and fun..............and now he wants bootcamp and a cat. What the F?? sorry I just need to vent. I"m so tired and exhausted. I don't have fun talking to him on the phone now....we have different images of what to do when he comes home. We will have some transitioning to do after a deployment. And I have to admit....we are a really strong couple and we love each other so much and I know that it's going to be heaven when he gets home and I actually think it will be easier when he is home. I think the separation is just killing us both. I'm just ready for him to be home. I'm tired of this stupid deployment.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Deployments and life
So we have had our ups & downs during the deployment….which luckily I have to admit that we have not had many downs…and the downs we have had have not been bad at all….mostly it just dealt with the stress of not being able to see each other and both of us working waaaay to hard. Also, it’s a wake up to realize that the majority of the 1st year of our marriage is separated from each other….talk about being newlywed in the military. I guess I really am living up to what it means to be a military spouse. And it has just begun….I can’t imagine how hard it must be to do this in a new place and with children and limited family support. Wow. I really do give it to soo many mil spouses out there that do this all the time and stay strong and optimistic! I just hope that I always keep a smile on my face! I’m proud to be a military spouse and everything that it entails. I have to say that I feel like I married the best man in the world….I truly feel like I married my soul mate. No regrets, no hesitations, no nothing but happiness. I never really thought about ever having regrets or hesitations….it actually surprises me how many women actually do have those. It makes me realize how lucky Cody and I are to found each other. I was his first pick and only pick and vice-versa. I go to bed each night thinking how lucky I am that I get to wake up in his arms (well….most night….we can’t count deployments of course). He is the sweetest, most loving man in the world and he knows how to make me laugh and feel like a princess. I can’t wait to have a baby with my best friend. We had an 3 day baby in our office today and omg, my heart just melted. I know there isn’t anything better than looking into the eyes of your child for the first time. I can’t wait to have that moment. I think I’ll be a pretty good mommy…one day.
As for Cody and I right now….we are doing fabulous! Cody just switched over to night shift over in Iraq which with the 8 hour time difference means that we are up at the same time which means we get to talk to each other almost 2x a day! It b/c it’s around 4/5am over in Iraq when we skype we don’t have to deal with the major delays like we did on the 1st part of the deployment. Basically, skype before was a glorified picture…we couldn’t talk because the delay was around 45 seconds…which means you can’t conversate. The picture was jumpy and slow and would freeze….lets paint a picture. Cody had a moustache for 2 months and I would skype him 1x a week and not once could I really tell he had a moustache…hahaha (which is a good think…blah ‘staches are NOT hot to me)!! But anyways, so yeah there is no delay on skype when we talk. So for the past 2 nights we have had SOOO much fun with each other. It’s usually around 9pm my time and we get on skype and we talk and laugh. And recently we found the skype games which makes it feel like he is really home with me. We played hangman, checkers, and battleship! I can’t lie and say I won them all…even though I really want to. I totally rock at hangman….but he killed me in checkers….and I was a close 2nd in battleship hAHAHA…..but it’s just time where we can forget that we’re dealing with separation and deployment and overwhelming job duties, and just PLAY….just get lost in joking around with each other. I can’t wait till he gets home! I think we have about 80 days left!! We’re at least down to double digits! I already bought a couple homecoming things….I don’t want to put them on here yet…cause I’m still not completely sure if he found this page…but lets just say I am getting excited that we are on the downhill slide so I can start planning for my husband’s homecoming!! I LOVE MY HUSBAND SOOO MUCH!!! I MISS HIM!!!!!!!
As for Cody and I right now….we are doing fabulous! Cody just switched over to night shift over in Iraq which with the 8 hour time difference means that we are up at the same time which means we get to talk to each other almost 2x a day! It b/c it’s around 4/5am over in Iraq when we skype we don’t have to deal with the major delays like we did on the 1st part of the deployment. Basically, skype before was a glorified picture…we couldn’t talk because the delay was around 45 seconds…which means you can’t conversate. The picture was jumpy and slow and would freeze….lets paint a picture. Cody had a moustache for 2 months and I would skype him 1x a week and not once could I really tell he had a moustache…hahaha (which is a good think…blah ‘staches are NOT hot to me)!! But anyways, so yeah there is no delay on skype when we talk. So for the past 2 nights we have had SOOO much fun with each other. It’s usually around 9pm my time and we get on skype and we talk and laugh. And recently we found the skype games which makes it feel like he is really home with me. We played hangman, checkers, and battleship! I can’t lie and say I won them all…even though I really want to. I totally rock at hangman….but he killed me in checkers….and I was a close 2nd in battleship hAHAHA…..but it’s just time where we can forget that we’re dealing with separation and deployment and overwhelming job duties, and just PLAY….just get lost in joking around with each other. I can’t wait till he gets home! I think we have about 80 days left!! We’re at least down to double digits! I already bought a couple homecoming things….I don’t want to put them on here yet…cause I’m still not completely sure if he found this page…but lets just say I am getting excited that we are on the downhill slide so I can start planning for my husband’s homecoming!! I LOVE MY HUSBAND SOOO MUCH!!! I MISS HIM!!!!!!!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Cody is SOOOOO wonderful!!! I've been stressing out b/c of everything I've had to do lately (taxes, bills, house chores, full time job, part time grad school, ect.) so he got me....EUROPEAN HOT STONE MASSAGE for 1 1/2 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The gift certificate from the SPA place said:
Words cannot express how much I love you, but maybe this awesome massage can. I'm crazy about you, and best yet I love you with all my heart. I miss you baby and I'm proud of you and how strong you have been. I hope you enjoy this sugarbear.
Yours forever and ever,
I love my husband sooooooooo much!!! He knows just when I need a little pick me up and always is trying to make sure I'm happy and feeling special! He's made me feel more beautiful then anyone in the whole world!! I can't wait till I have him home with me again and I'm in his arms!!! I feel so blessed to his his love!!!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
OMG!! I am going to KILL CODY!!!!!!!! So part of the wonderful things about getting married is knowing that you will never have to do taxes again, that your husband will do it every year for you! File joint and he does it all! H-E-L-L-O that's a given ya know right after you say "I Do" hahahahahahaha NO!!! Not if your in the military and the stupid military has different plans and ruins your whole benefits of being married and sends him on a deployment during tax season! But why is he gone on our 1st joint taxes ever???? I don't know the 1st thing about the house payments/intrest/escrow...blah blah blah.....And luckily the Air Force provides you free tax service....but you still gotta have all the forms and know where your$$ is going...and I know mine, but we JUST got married so I don't know the SPECIFICS of his stuff! Ok....dumb dumb and just plain dumber! At least we are getting $$ back and we don't have to pay this year....HOLLA!!
Cody told me 3 weeks ago that he was gonna get me this super cool gift that I would REALLY like for handling all the tax stuff and bills ect....basically all the boring responsibilities that I've be taking care of! Well he told me about a week ago that he tried to get my gift but that the company went out of business so he had to figure something out. Well...I want my gift LOL....especially after today! I don't want to wait till my 1 phone call tomorrow to grill Cody about spoiling me! I need to talk to him now....stupid military....I need spoiling now!! Doesn't the Air Force know what is more important??? Our national security or a wifes spoilin'??? hahaha
Cody told me 3 weeks ago that he was gonna get me this super cool gift that I would REALLY like for handling all the tax stuff and bills ect....basically all the boring responsibilities that I've be taking care of! Well he told me about a week ago that he tried to get my gift but that the company went out of business so he had to figure something out. Well...I want my gift LOL....especially after today! I don't want to wait till my 1 phone call tomorrow to grill Cody about spoiling me! I need to talk to him now....stupid military....I need spoiling now!! Doesn't the Air Force know what is more important??? Our national security or a wifes spoilin'??? hahaha
Saturday, April 10, 2010
My heart feels like it's gonna burst with love!
Ok, so my heart totally feels like it's gonna burst with love! Cody is the most amazing man in the world! I can't believe that we found each other! We've been talking about babies and our future kids a lot and we have decided to wait a little longer before trying to concieve....we're thinking about 1 1/2 -2 years....give or take....but we still really enjoy talking about the future and our little one that we will have one day. Well my Aunt Liz and cousin Salena came into town for a few days and they are obsessed with thrift store shopping and consignment shops. I'm really not a big shopper unless I have money and I'm at the stores I normally buy clothes from. I mean I like thrift stores....but they LOVE them and spend hours in them....I tend to get a little bored. So I was quite bored in this one store so I happen to wander in the little baby section of the store. And I saw this most ADORABLE dress for a little girl! I immediately thought, "OMG that is sooo cute, I can see our little girl in a dress like this with her hair in pig tails". So I took a picture of it and sent it to Cody and said exactly what I was thinking! I mean I just couldn't help's so freaking cute!! So the day goes by and it's night time and Cody sends me a text that says "WOW, that dress is so adorable, you should buy it and pack it away for when we actually have our little girl! Love you!" My heart just burst and I couldn't have felt more happiness at that moment! It was just sooo cute! I wasn't expecting him to answer like that. I thought he would have just said ohh yeah it's cute or what ever....but the fact that he thought it was absolutely adorable and told me to buy it was just SOOOOO FREAKING CUTE!!! I LOVE HIM SO MUCH! He is going to be the best husband in the world...and the best dad! I can't believe I married the best man in the world!'s just really late and I miss my husband and the fact that he was such a sweetie today I can't stop ranting about how wonderful he is! GOOOSHHH I can't wait till he gets home! I love him with all of my heart!!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Easter was just lovely!
Easter Day was just fabulous! I went to church with my family and it was a great service! Then afterwords we went to our favorite local Italian restaurant which was soooo delicious! Then my dad and I went and saw How To Train a Dragon in 3D and it was totally cute! I loved the movie!! Like really thought it was beyond cute! It sorta frustrates me how adorable his dragon is and how I know that they don't really exist hahaha....I told Cody yesterday that I wanted a dragon and I want him to get me one....I don't hold high expectations from my husband do I?? LOL...all I want is one little dragon, not too hard to ask for! So then I went back to my parent's house and we had a nice Easter dinner on the porch looking at the river (it was beautiful outside) then we watched re-runs of Dancing with the Stars and Bones since I don't have cable and missed them!
All in all it was a beautiful day. The only thing that would have made it better is if my amazing husband would have been there. We did talk for about 15 mins that day though and it was hilarious bc I had my dad pretend that he wanted to have grandkids right away to try to freak Cody out hahaha it was hilarious....Cody didn't freak though...from what I understand he just laughed then tried to convience my dad to make me go to the car insurance place LOL....stupid tasks!!
I totally get why mom's in the military stay at home! Especially during deployments. There are soooo many things to do just financially, car wise, house wise, ect....along with having babies....I couldn't imagine doing everything I'm doing now along with kids along with the full time job and part-time school! It would be ridiculous! But since we don't have kids...and I am working and going to school....I gotta just keep up on everything...except my mind....that I have a feeling I'm losing one brain cell at a time! hahah ohh well....anyways, gotta get to my meeting now! B-O-R-I-N-G hahaha....peace!!
All in all it was a beautiful day. The only thing that would have made it better is if my amazing husband would have been there. We did talk for about 15 mins that day though and it was hilarious bc I had my dad pretend that he wanted to have grandkids right away to try to freak Cody out hahaha it was hilarious....Cody didn't freak though...from what I understand he just laughed then tried to convience my dad to make me go to the car insurance place LOL....stupid tasks!!
I totally get why mom's in the military stay at home! Especially during deployments. There are soooo many things to do just financially, car wise, house wise, ect....along with having babies....I couldn't imagine doing everything I'm doing now along with kids along with the full time job and part-time school! It would be ridiculous! But since we don't have kids...and I am working and going to school....I gotta just keep up on everything...except my mind....that I have a feeling I'm losing one brain cell at a time! hahah ohh well....anyways, gotta get to my meeting now! B-O-R-I-N-G hahaha....peace!!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Does he know? after my conversation with Cody today....I'm starting to wonder if Cody has seen my blog :o) Because he was talking about some stuff that sounds very familiar. So I'm wondering if he has been secretly reading this blog. Now I've got to know. So baby.....are you reading this now??? I gotta know!! You better believe I'm bring this up during our next conversation hahaha....Love you!!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
One of my best friends is Preggo!
I'm soooo excited! My best friend from college just found out that she is pregnant! She is going to be such a fabulous mom!! I know she and her husband wanted to wait a couple years because they kinda struggling financially but ppl do what they need to do to survive. And I know that they are gonna be such great parents and I know that they are sooo happy! I wish I could be there during her pregnancy and help her pick baby stuff out! That is so much fun! I wish she lived closer to me!!! I secretly wish that all my best friends could live near me and that we would all be pregnant at the same time and raise our kids together....hahaha kinda a far out fantasy right now huh?? And when the heck did I get to the stage where my fantasy was about pregnancies?? time changes things!
Cody and I have talked about having a baby...but we have decided to wait a couple more years. So we'll be 28 years old....I will have finished my masters degree and we could have a few years together as a married couple just being us and having fun without any major responsibilities. But I can't lie....the baby hormones are totally kickin' in on me! I want one SOOOOOOO bad!!! I think Cody will make such a WONDERFUL daddy! Cody keeps talking about our child all the time too. He even said the other day that he believes that he thinks about our future kids more than I do. I don't think that is possible. Everyone at work thinks that when he gets home from deployment that we're gonna have one soon after. hmm...who knows....I really do go back & forth all the time:
Pros about having a baby now:
1. Adorable
2. I'm totally ready
3. Cody and I would be sooo happy
4. I love families
5. Pig tales and ribbons
6. Cute button noses
Pros about waiting now:
1. Cody and I have more time as a couple
2. Will be more financially secure
3. Don't have to worry about a huge responsibility
4. Can travel & see more places then settle down I'm starting to make up some random pro's about waiting I'm really thinking I want one. The only thing that actually makes me want to wait is the fact that I want to be able to spend time as a married couple together and be spoiled and spend time together...I hope that doesn't sound selfish...cause it really isn't...I think it's just cause Cody is deployed so I just want him all to myself right now...give it a couple weeks after he gets home and I'll want to pop out a baby hehe Wow, I'm just rambling! But I just want to say that I can't wait to be pregnant. I can't wait to have a baby with my wonderful husband! I can't wait to have a family of my very own and to start cute little family traditions!! Babies are sooo adorable!!! Ok, I'm done haha
Cody and I have talked about having a baby...but we have decided to wait a couple more years. So we'll be 28 years old....I will have finished my masters degree and we could have a few years together as a married couple just being us and having fun without any major responsibilities. But I can't lie....the baby hormones are totally kickin' in on me! I want one SOOOOOOO bad!!! I think Cody will make such a WONDERFUL daddy! Cody keeps talking about our child all the time too. He even said the other day that he believes that he thinks about our future kids more than I do. I don't think that is possible. Everyone at work thinks that when he gets home from deployment that we're gonna have one soon after. hmm...who knows....I really do go back & forth all the time:
Pros about having a baby now:
1. Adorable
2. I'm totally ready
3. Cody and I would be sooo happy
4. I love families
5. Pig tales and ribbons
6. Cute button noses
Pros about waiting now:
1. Cody and I have more time as a couple
2. Will be more financially secure
3. Don't have to worry about a huge responsibility
4. Can travel & see more places then settle down I'm starting to make up some random pro's about waiting I'm really thinking I want one. The only thing that actually makes me want to wait is the fact that I want to be able to spend time as a married couple together and be spoiled and spend time together...I hope that doesn't sound selfish...cause it really isn't...I think it's just cause Cody is deployed so I just want him all to myself right now...give it a couple weeks after he gets home and I'll want to pop out a baby hehe Wow, I'm just rambling! But I just want to say that I can't wait to be pregnant. I can't wait to have a baby with my wonderful husband! I can't wait to have a family of my very own and to start cute little family traditions!! Babies are sooo adorable!!! Ok, I'm done haha
Monday, March 29, 2010
Happy FUN Weekend!! So Friday night I went scrapbooking with a few friends and did the cutest pages!! They were soo girly and adorable!! It was a lot of fun! Then Saturday, my parents met me for breakfast at my fav. breakfast restaurant of all time. It's this old school mom & pop place! The food is DELICIOUS and on top of that only like $5 bucks. After that my dad and I went and saw Hot Tub Time Machine which was sooo stupid it was funny. I really like stupid comedies! So it was totally up my alley!! After that my dad came back to my house and we watched the Princess & the Frog hahah...and dad liked it! I made dinner for us and then we youtubed voice over actors and realized that I've been listening to this guy Jim Cummings my whole life. He's been the voice actor in like all the Disney films I've watched! So I'm completely in love with Jim Cummings now! Then Sunday I got to skype with Cody (WOO HOO)!! The delay was really really bad so he called me on the phone and we talked while keeping video up so we could see each other still! He's the most adorable thing since puppies were made! The coolest thing since sliced bread! And I've been taking care of a lot of bills and trying to figure out why Verizon is trying to screw us like non-stop and so he told me he got me this really cool surprise to say thank you for everything I've been doing lately. He told me that he is really excited cause it's really cool. But that he has to wait till next paycheck before he gets it. So that means I'm gonna have to wait at least a few weeks with shipping time as well! But he was telling me that he was going to send flowers but that he thought he'd get me something super cool and nice! Yippie!! Then after my skype session with Cody I met up with my best friend Sondra and we put our bike in the car and hit the Park bike trail! It was really nice outside and so we went biking and then after that we went walking on a trail for 2 hours! We felt soo good, peaceful and relaxed! And we were able to really catch up! After that we went back to her parents house and her mom made steak, double baked potatoes, steamed veggies and for desert Strawberry Shortcake! YUMM!! It was so much fun! And her whole family was there (I've grown up with them-they're like my family too) and we were just laughing and having a great time! So this weekend was lots and lots of fun!!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
I hate asking for $$ :o( boo
So I never ask my parents for $$ anymore since I've been out of college. But recently I found out that my job decreased the number of classes they'll pay for from 4 to 3....but they told me this AFTER i registered for the 4th now I have to come up with a butt ton of money and I've always had to pay for my summer class and I'm gonna have to come up with that butt ton of money too....and it doesn't help that it's right after our wedding/honeymoon. So I'm kinda broke. Cody told me not to ask dad because he wants to be able to provide for me, but I figure if dad can put some in for me and Cody put some in and I put some in than it won't be a burden on anyone. But I still feel completely horrible since I've asked dad to help with $1000.00. The man deserves to retire. He's done pretty well for himself but he likes to help people out and he doesn't want to retire until everyone is completely settled. And that's not fair to him. So yeah....this is just my guilty post for asking dad for money. Although, looking at the bright side, at least I'm asking for $$ for tuition....not crack! hahaha
Monday, March 22, 2010
Holla....I worked out I would love to see this type of post like everyday....cause that would actually mean I have a routine to go to the gym....when I do a post about working out it's like ya'll won the lotto! Circuit training today totally kicked my one time my legs were literally wobbling HAHAHA....and Patricia put her hand on my leg to feel it LOL!!
I got to skype with Cody on Sunday....and it was actually clear and minimal delay!! But of course everytime that happens my family is visiting, so limited privacy! But it's all good. Cody likes being able to see the whole family!! When my family left...I told Cody to dance for me (I did it in a perv. voice) LOL....then I really told him that I wanted him to dance for me like our little goofy dances we usually do in the kitchen. He resisted at first....but he can never say no to my pout face :o) are a couple pics from our skype date:
He was so cute today because I was telling him how I don't have any $$ and he started to get upset and was like "I don't like it when you don't have money that makes me upset, forge a check to yourself with my checkbook....I want my baby to have money"....................CODY NEVER says that type of stuff!! LOL...he's usually like "we gotta save" "budget better".....but I think its a combination knowing that I'm not just spending $$ on stupid things (just bills and loans) and that we are separated! He told me that he got me something really cool the other day and I got super excited. Until he told me that he wants to wait to give it to me after he gets home so he can see my expression!!! OMG---I have to wait 4 dang months grr....I love trying to figure out surprises but I can't get any clues if I can't snoop :o) So I guess I have to wait!!
Cody and I are getting a golden retreiver puppy when he gets home and so I started looking up breeders today. And let me just say GOLDEN PUPPIES ARE ADORABLE!!! I can't wait!!! I also can't wait till we can just go walking with our puppy together, holding hands on a trail somewhere! Soo much fun is up ahead in 4 months.
Ohh, I'm only 1 disc away from finishing Season 3 of Army Wives! I totally made the the new season! Now only one problem. We don't have cable (since we're never home and like to do things outdoors) how the heck am I gonna watch it???? BOO!! Anyways, I'm gonna try not to make this into a novel back soon!!
I got to skype with Cody on Sunday....and it was actually clear and minimal delay!! But of course everytime that happens my family is visiting, so limited privacy! But it's all good. Cody likes being able to see the whole family!! When my family left...I told Cody to dance for me (I did it in a perv. voice) LOL....then I really told him that I wanted him to dance for me like our little goofy dances we usually do in the kitchen. He resisted at first....but he can never say no to my pout face :o) are a couple pics from our skype date:
He was so cute today because I was telling him how I don't have any $$ and he started to get upset and was like "I don't like it when you don't have money that makes me upset, forge a check to yourself with my checkbook....I want my baby to have money"....................CODY NEVER says that type of stuff!! LOL...he's usually like "we gotta save" "budget better".....but I think its a combination knowing that I'm not just spending $$ on stupid things (just bills and loans) and that we are separated! He told me that he got me something really cool the other day and I got super excited. Until he told me that he wants to wait to give it to me after he gets home so he can see my expression!!! OMG---I have to wait 4 dang months grr....I love trying to figure out surprises but I can't get any clues if I can't snoop :o) So I guess I have to wait!!
Cody and I are getting a golden retreiver puppy when he gets home and so I started looking up breeders today. And let me just say GOLDEN PUPPIES ARE ADORABLE!!! I can't wait!!! I also can't wait till we can just go walking with our puppy together, holding hands on a trail somewhere! Soo much fun is up ahead in 4 months.
Ohh, I'm only 1 disc away from finishing Season 3 of Army Wives! I totally made the the new season! Now only one problem. We don't have cable (since we're never home and like to do things outdoors) how the heck am I gonna watch it???? BOO!! Anyways, I'm gonna try not to make this into a novel back soon!!
Friday, March 19, 2010
9 days later....a new post woo hoo I have been seriously slacking on the posts here haha....but I have to tell you why. Since I am seriously addicted to Army Wives LOL...that show is soo good! Season 4 starts up I believe in April so I had 1 1/2 seasons to catch up on. So I've been netflixing the poop outta some Army Wives. I've been staying up till midnight cramming them no blogging and I'm barely making it through work each day w/o falling asleep! But luckily I am only 3 discs away from finishing...about 10 episodes or so. And I'm gonna have to repeat a million times how much I'm in love with General Michael Holden...OMG....I think it's because he reminds me of Cody. Tough and strong but compassionate and loving.....and just plain adorable in uniform!!
Cody and I have been doing well. I think that sometimes it's just easier to go numb and not dwell on the fact that he is gone. Less crying happens. But I still miss the boy...more than imaginable. But we still have quite some time so I have to just learn to live with him gone. The thing is....I am a really independent person. I don't NEED someone to take care of things for me. I enjoy being in control at times and I like talking to people and trying new things. So I've just been taking care of buisness lately and for a second it scared me. What scared me was that I LIKE and WANT to be semi-dependent on Cody. He is my partner. I love sharing things with him. And since I've been doing everything myself it means I'm not with him nor do I NEED him with me at all times...I mean sure it's empowering knowing you can handle everything by yourself, but it is also a little sad that I'm not doing things right next to him. But hey...maybe this just means I was cut out to be a military wife?? Look at the glass 1/2 full here!! And I have no idea of that made any sense at all.
Cody sent me the funniest email the other day. Here was part of it :
“…..We share a story book life, simple inflections of personality and love, paint our memories with colors of happiness (I wanted that to sound really poetic, LOL). You have single handedly painted a large portion of my life's canvas, you are my more beautiful, less afro headed, Bob Ross (I attached his photo). If you haven't ever seen this cat in action go to You tube, he is the bomb digidy!!!...”
Cody and I have been doing well. I think that sometimes it's just easier to go numb and not dwell on the fact that he is gone. Less crying happens. But I still miss the boy...more than imaginable. But we still have quite some time so I have to just learn to live with him gone. The thing is....I am a really independent person. I don't NEED someone to take care of things for me. I enjoy being in control at times and I like talking to people and trying new things. So I've just been taking care of buisness lately and for a second it scared me. What scared me was that I LIKE and WANT to be semi-dependent on Cody. He is my partner. I love sharing things with him. And since I've been doing everything myself it means I'm not with him nor do I NEED him with me at all times...I mean sure it's empowering knowing you can handle everything by yourself, but it is also a little sad that I'm not doing things right next to him. But hey...maybe this just means I was cut out to be a military wife?? Look at the glass 1/2 full here!! And I have no idea of that made any sense at all.
Cody sent me the funniest email the other day. Here was part of it :
“…..We share a story book life, simple inflections of personality and love, paint our memories with colors of happiness (I wanted that to sound really poetic, LOL). You have single handedly painted a large portion of my life's canvas, you are my more beautiful, less afro headed, Bob Ross (I attached his photo). If you haven't ever seen this cat in action go to You tube, he is the bomb digidy!!!...”
HAHAHA, have I mentioned how much I love my husband. He's a "happy little husband right here" hahaha,
Cody cracks me up soo much!! So I think I'm gonna have to find him a sling shot for his birthday...he really wants one over there....apparently the bird situation has "gotten outta control" so he wants to "scare them away" with a killer sling shot....I asked him if he worded it "scare them" instead of "kill them" for a reason....he claims that the sling shot isn't strong enough to kill a bird so I shouldn't worry. But he wants one so I'll care package it up for him cause I want to be an awesome wife!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
2 cards
Even though I'm tired, sad and exhausted....(and have court for work in the morning...stupid child PO's)....I was soo happy today (up until I started to miss him too much of course). It was a beautiful day today around 65 degrees and when I got home from work I walked around the neighborhood and checked the mail (totally not expecting anything) and I saw his handwriting. My heart skipped a beat and I got such a huge smile. I had 2 cards from Cody!! I have to write part of one made me sooooooooo happy! The actual card read: You're so cute and funny and smart and all around great...and I just thought you should know I really like you. Do you like me? Check yes or no....He wrote:
"I find myself looking at pictures of us together, we are so happy, we are so perfect together. I fondly gaze at our pictures and rub your face wishing just for one minute I could feel the soft warmth of your cheek and the tender kiss from your lips. I stare in the picture as I would stare into your eyes and wish that it was easier than getting on a plane and flying across the world to give you a butterfly kiss. So at the end of my days I end it staring at those beautiful pictures wishing the many things I just told you. I love you sweetheart and can't wait to be back. I have a little school boy crush on you. Love Waffles
"I find myself looking at pictures of us together, we are so happy, we are so perfect together. I fondly gaze at our pictures and rub your face wishing just for one minute I could feel the soft warmth of your cheek and the tender kiss from your lips. I stare in the picture as I would stare into your eyes and wish that it was easier than getting on a plane and flying across the world to give you a butterfly kiss. So at the end of my days I end it staring at those beautiful pictures wishing the many things I just told you. I love you sweetheart and can't wait to be back. I have a little school boy crush on you. Love Waffles
Sometimes being strong sucks
Sometimes, it just sucks always having to be strong. Sometimes it sucks hearing "it will all be okay" "it will fly by" "you guys are strong" "keep busy".........
Sometimes all I need is his touch...........
Sometimes that's the only thing that can make it better....
Sometimes all I need is his touch...........
Sometimes that's the only thing that can make it better....
Monday, March 8, 2010
Fun Weekend
So I had a fun weekend. On Friday, Patricia and I got out of work late due to lots of complications with transferring a kid to another school (they were just plain mean to the parent...just cause they have some difficulties/problems with parenting doesn't give you the okay to treat them like dirt...ok I'm off my soapbox. And so after the long day we decided to treat ourselves to dinner with pomegranate martini's hahaha and they were delicious!! My brother also called me up in the middle of the day to tell me that he passed the TSA screening test and was offered a contingency of employment. I was sooo excited for him. He's been looking for a job for a long time! He really needed this step forward. He told me he was so excited that he just had to call someone right away...and it just happened to be his big sis. That rarely happens....the boy has a million friends. So big sister got to feel special haha. Then Saturday, my brother called me up and told me that him and his friend had rented an apartment (one of the nice new ones)...but that he won't be moving in until he starts working in April. But that he had the key and wanted to show me....and even though I was completely happy sitting on the couch in my PJ's watching Army Wives, I dragged my butt out the door to see his new place since I knew how excited he was! It was fun looking around the empty apartment and imagining where things would go. Then my mom came back to my house and we made dinner and scrapbooked...then watched Army Wives. I loved it because my mom got hooked right in! She loves the show now too :o) As she put it, "It's much better than Bones" Since my family watches Bones all the time I guess she was up to a new show. Then the next day I woke up early and headed to Richmond to meet my best guy friend, Corey and his girlfriend Elizabeth. I've known him for 13 years. We were going Wine Tasting in the mountains of Charlottesville. I had actually never done a REAL wine tasting at a winery so I was reallly excited!! So we went to the first one and it was absolutely beautiful!!! So badly did I want Cody to be there with me! He would have LOVED it!! And one of their wines was mmmmmmm GOOD! I told them it's the kind of wine where you walk around your house with only a robe blasting girly music...or taking a bubble bath. I bought that bottle of could I resist?? So after that winery we went to 2 other winerys and they were all so much fun. I told Cody when he gets back that we are totally going to them!! The only other part that was kinda difficult was going with a couple. And actually not for the normal reason. They were not all over each other or cuddly or anything. Actually they acted more as friends than they did a couple. But it was difficult because I've known Corey for sooo long. So we have a lot of jokes and memories that we like to talk about...but I didn't want to leave Elizabeth out of them. And then it was vice versa....they have a lot of jokes and they didn't want to leave me out of it. So it was a balance during the whole trip to be able to talk about old times but not too much. But other than that it was a lot of fun. they even gave me a bottle of wine when I was leaving their house. So nice :o) Overall it was a Fun Weekend. PLUS, I got to skype with Cody....well kinda. I forgot my webcam at I could see him but he couldn't see me. He is sooo adorable. He totally has my heart stolen. Now if he could hurry up and bring me a tiger back from the "Tiger River" hahahaha
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Broke Cell Phone?
So I came to work today, early mind you to make up for the hours I'll be missing from school. And it is majorly slushing outside...a mix between snow and rain. I had put my cell phone in between my legs so if Cody decided to call me on my way to work for the 2nd time I would hear the phone (I never hear it in my pocket). So I get to work and I get out of the car like normal walk inside and get situated to work. Then I go to grab my cell phone to make sure it's on vibrate since I'm at work and everything. I realize it's not there. I go outside hoping I put it in the cup holder w/o realizing it. I have pure panic when I look inside my car and don't see my cell phone. I look on the ground outside of my car and there is about 2-3 inches of slush...rain and's a big icy puddle. I think I see a shadow in the water. It's my cell phone. ARRRRGGGG!!! It's shut down and vibrating at the same time. I immediately try to dry it off and get all the water out....GAUGH!!!!!!!!!!!
Now it's sitting here drying and I have NO IDEA if it's gonna work again! How do I manage to break the best means of communication with my husband??? And I have these adorable pictures of him on my cell phone and I have these sound clips and videos I took of him before he went on deployment. I listen and watch them every night before bed. I'm going to be soooooooo sad if it's broken and they can't get them off :( And I have all my phone numbers in there and I've been meaning to transfer them to a hard copy. But really I could live w/o phone numbers. I don't think I can live w/o talking to Cody or losing those cute pictures and videos. I'm really sad :( Pray really hard that my cell phone will turn on once it is dry!!!!
Now it's sitting here drying and I have NO IDEA if it's gonna work again! How do I manage to break the best means of communication with my husband??? And I have these adorable pictures of him on my cell phone and I have these sound clips and videos I took of him before he went on deployment. I listen and watch them every night before bed. I'm going to be soooooooo sad if it's broken and they can't get them off :( And I have all my phone numbers in there and I've been meaning to transfer them to a hard copy. But really I could live w/o phone numbers. I don't think I can live w/o talking to Cody or losing those cute pictures and videos. I'm really sad :( Pray really hard that my cell phone will turn on once it is dry!!!!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
7:45am Surprise Call
Omg, I have the bestest hubby in the world!! So I was driving to work this morning at 7:30ish in the morning like I always do. And at 7:45am, my cell phone starting ringing. “Who is this” I thought aloud….nobody calls me early in the morning. Is it my dad? Did he see me driving on the interstate going the opposite direction (this has happened a couple times). NOOOOOO…… not my dad. It’s CODY!! WOO HOO!!!!!!! So I answer the phone super excited cause I have never gotten a call from him at this hour and ask him “what are you doing calling me at this hour…crazy boy” and he says….as I melt…..”I wanted to call you to surprise you and make you happy. I know this would make your whole morning and I wanted to hear your voice”. AWWWW……how freaking adorable. Then he said that he had just a little extra time today so the first thing he thought of doing was calling me to surprise me. I swear I could not be anymore blessed with the man that was put into my life! I think proceeded to talk about the oil lamp that one of the girls got in her care package from MSSN. And he was like really? You want one of those?? And started laughing. He was like most women was precious gems and diamonds and you want a tacky oil lamp?? And I was like H-E-L-L-O it is soo not tacky….it’s cultural! And he laughed. And then I kept whining that I wanted an oil lamp. Originally I wanted a plum purple hoodie, but he said he looked everywhere and could only find hoodies in the color, blue, brown, black, green, and as he put it “pee yellow”. And then I had to of course get him to specify….are we talking your early morning pee yellow or late in the afternoon after drinking lots of water pee yellow. He got more detailed and explained he was thinking late afternoon pee yellow. Hahaha we laughed so hard. By this time I’m driving like 35mph on the interstate because I don’t want to get to work, I just want to talk to Cody on the phone more hahaha. So he told me that he would look at the merchant’s items for sale and see what he can do about my genie oil lamp. I feel soo special. Ohh and he said that he sent me 2 cards in the mail and he sent 2 cards last week too! So I should be getting a butt load of cards in the mail soon! I can’t wait!!!!!!!! And I finished his mixed CD labeled….Waffles & Sugarbear Love Mix #1 hahaha….and I’m putting that in the mail with an oversized tacky card hahaha, I thought it would make him laugh! Anyways, I just want to say that I am soooo happy and that his phone call really did make my whole entire day!! And he said he’ll call me at our regular time at noon….so 2 calls in one day!! Only hours apart! WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!! I have the biggest smile on my face!!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Good Conversation YAY
So today Cody tried to Skype with me, unfortunately it wouldn't go through. He said that it was very cloudy where he was and didn't know if that was the reason why. It came through but was very jumpy. Then we got on the phone and he was tired like usual and I got a little "fussy" about how I want more fun conversations. I mean I know he is working everyday without a day off and going to class and all that. And I've let our very "safe" and low key convos go...even though I wanted a little more. But I just really wanted to just laugh with him. He always tells me how much he loves me and we talk about our days. But I've been missing our completely random conversations...the convos that make So after I "fussed" alittle bit we got off the phone and I was sooo upset. We never got to have the fun part of the convo. He had to go take a shower and go to bed. I felt soo I sent him this long email that was just raw emotion about how I was feeling. Right as I pressed the send button Cody called me again. He said that he was in the shower and he was thinking and wanted to talk to me again and make sure I was happy and to have the fun part of our convo. I was so thankful that he called back bc it would have ruined my day. Plus, he's just such a good guy....he really cares and we really do love each other. So I told him he might not want to read his email bc I didn't think he was going to call me back. I think he thought that it was going to be a really bad email saying that I couldn't handle the deployment anymore. So I read to him what I wrote. Which basically said how I hope he gets more sleep, to call me only when he really wants to talk and is feeling up to talking bc I didn't want to be a responsibility but I want him to want to talk and some other stuff. I also said that I wanted our convos to just be a little more fun and random...insteady of consistant and safe. I told him that we've both been holding back any strong emotions for the sake of the other person in the relationship so there is no added stress....but that I felt that it was neglecting what was true to our relationship....and that is emotional and open communication. Cody felt the exact same why I did and said he was thankful for my email. He said that he ALWAYS wants to call me everyday and never once has it been a responsibility but that he just wants to talk to his baby. But that a lot of the time he will go on autopilot because he is soo tired from the whole day. And I told him that I completely understood and that I want him to be able to sleep or vent when he needs to. And he said that he would try extra hard to make sure that we can have fun convos bc he misses them too. So then we proceeded to have the best conversation and joke on each other and laugh and joke on each other some more. I told him that his car wasn't running and that I ran over a sign (2 things I kept from him bc of the sake of added stress) but I laughed about them and told him that he has to send me a plum purple hoodie before I charge the battery in his car....he laughed as well and told me that I was murdering Senor Butternut (his car)! hahaha
And I just want to say this is why I love my husband soooo much. Because there are going to be tough times ahead in life....there will be happy, sad, hurt, excitement, love.....every emotion you could ever have it put into a relationship. And we feel all of them with each other. And whenever we hit a small little bump in the road or tough times.....we always listen to how the other one feels and then we work extra hard to show that person we heard them and want to make them happy. It's a 2 way street in which we both try. And I couldn't imagine a marriage where my husband didn't care about my feelings or just brushed them aside. I love Cody with all of my heart!! He is sooo good to me!!
And I just want to say this is why I love my husband soooo much. Because there are going to be tough times ahead in life....there will be happy, sad, hurt, excitement, love.....every emotion you could ever have it put into a relationship. And we feel all of them with each other. And whenever we hit a small little bump in the road or tough times.....we always listen to how the other one feels and then we work extra hard to show that person we heard them and want to make them happy. It's a 2 way street in which we both try. And I couldn't imagine a marriage where my husband didn't care about my feelings or just brushed them aside. I love Cody with all of my heart!! He is sooo good to me!!
Kids are soooo cute (uh oh)
hahaha I guess that baby hormone is kickin' into overdrive LOL....So Cody and I want to wait for two more years before we try to have any kids. The main reasons are so I can finish my master's degree, for us to save up some $$, and to also just enjoy being together as a married couple without that huge responsibility. Logically the 2 year waiting makes sense. Until I see the most adorable kids like everyday!! He's lucky because he doesn't have to work with them everyday, he doesn't have to see his friends kids everyday. So here is my kids rundown this weekend. It was definately in overdrive:
Friday Night-Went to Tina's house before our scrapbook night. When I get to Tina's she has SIX kids there, 2 were hers, 1 was her sisters, and 3 were a neighbors she was watching till they got off work. And every single one of them were adorable. They have the dance game on Wii and wanted me to see them dance. And let me tell you....if you want to smile, just have kids from ages 5-10 play the dance game on wii. OMG soo cute!!
Saturday Morning- I went to the Big Brothers/Big Sisters "Bowl for Kids Sake" Charity with my coworkers/friends. Tina brought her two kids (ages 5 &9) and Suzanne & Mike brought Sam (14 mo.). So they had the DJ at the bowling alley and we were all dancing and bowling. I had Caden (5yo) wave his hand over my bowling ball to give it a little extra magic juice. It was adorable. Blake (9yo) would help us figure out which pins we should try to knock down. Plus 5-Fives were a given for everyone!! And little Baby Sam got to bowl for the 1st time! HOW CUTE!! Then Mike put baby sam on my lap while I was sitting....BAD IDEA. I didn't want to let him go LOL....I skipped my turn to bowl because I was having so much fun with Sam. Then Caden came over and gave Sam a hug. Hello that was like a trifecta of cuteness!! An overload if you will. Then when we were done I was showing Blake how to do the wave with his hands which turned into the whole group of us (about 10) doing the wave in a big circle! Lets just say I had a blast.
Saturday afternoon and Night- So after the bowling my best friend Sondra came to my house. We had decided that it would be fun to get lost on Ft. Eustis. I only know where the Commissary, PX, and Gym are and I really would like to see the rest of Post. So we get on Post and decide that we are hungry. We head straight over to the PX and get some food. While we are sitting there I'm telling her about my morning and how I want kids. She said that she and Will have bounced around the ideas a couple times but they are going to wait. I told her that they were lucky because they live with her brother, sis-in-law and their child Aly (2 yo). So they basically get to play with Aly all the time and get to help with Parenting which takes the baby edge off. She began telling me that her brother and sis-in-law had asked their other sisters husband to watch Aly tonight but that they don't like that guy cause he's not really good with Aly. He's pretty much an asshole. Sondra was like we can watch Aly tonight if you want to. And I was like heck yeah! So Sondra decided that instead of going to her house and just watching her there we should bring Aly to my house so I really get to know how it feels to parent. I liked this idea. So we went to the comissary and picked up groceries first and then headed to pick up Aly. (so now we have completely scrapped the idea of getting lost on post, going to the 2 places I know how to get to and heading off again hahaha).
So we pick up Aly and I put her in her car seat (1x I've done that). Then we went into the grocery store to pick up a bottle of juice. Once we got to my house I baby proofed it the best I could. She danced in my living room and found things I've never realized were in my house haha. I then changed my 1st pee diaper ever. It was a little weird changing a diaper, not gonna lie. but Sondra said I did a really good job. Then I proceeded to make dinner...which I normally suck at but I guess the mommy gene came out of me because it was pretty good. I tried to get Aly to say my name since her words are limited. She gave the a name that sounded close to mama like I decided to make my name a little easier for her so she started calling me lala (carla---lala..) So I helped her eat dinner. Then we boiled eggs and had an Easter egg coloring kit and helped her dye Easter eggs. It was her 1st time ever doing it. It was sooo funny. She just dunked the whole egg in the cup of coloring hahahah and then she just rolled it around the paint. It was soo cute. Then it was straight up to bath time. I've never given a baby a bath either. So Sondra set me up and told me what I needed to do then she left to go clean the kitchen as I baby bathed. haha. She doesn't like getting her hair wet so I thought of discrete ways of doing it and making her laugh so she wouldn't go on complete freak out mode. After she was clean I put on her PJ's and we brushed her teeth. Man these were a lot of 1sts. Then we were watching Elmo downstairs on the couch with a big quilt. It was nice. Then she made the poop face. and Sondra looked at me and told me that this would be my 1st poopy diaper. I was scared hahaha. So I take off that diaper and there was sitting a little poopy right in her butt. I'm not gonna lie. I've never seen a poopy in a butt EVER. I never was around babies. I'm used to school aged kids. So I held my breath and just did the job needed and I thought I would freak out but I feel I did a pretty good job. Then we watched some more elmo and Blues Clues. Then you could tell she was getting sleepy. So Sondra told me how to rock her to sleep and put her in bed. So I went up stairs and rocked her to sleep and layed her in the bed. But you have to lay next to her or she'll get up. So I was laying in the dark with her, trying not to fall asleep my self and every time I would get up to leave she would sit straight up. So after a little maneuvering and time I figured a way to get out of the bed w/o waking her. And that was it. I have now taken care of a baby!! YAY! And I have to say that I can imagine taking care of a baby by yourself. It's a lot of work. I give my respect to those single mothers/fathers out there and military wives/husbands that take care of all the kids when their SO is deployed! It's tough stuff. So I still want a baby, but I think just babysitting for a while will do just fine. It was a fun Saturday!!
Friday Night-Went to Tina's house before our scrapbook night. When I get to Tina's she has SIX kids there, 2 were hers, 1 was her sisters, and 3 were a neighbors she was watching till they got off work. And every single one of them were adorable. They have the dance game on Wii and wanted me to see them dance. And let me tell you....if you want to smile, just have kids from ages 5-10 play the dance game on wii. OMG soo cute!!
Saturday Morning- I went to the Big Brothers/Big Sisters "Bowl for Kids Sake" Charity with my coworkers/friends. Tina brought her two kids (ages 5 &9) and Suzanne & Mike brought Sam (14 mo.). So they had the DJ at the bowling alley and we were all dancing and bowling. I had Caden (5yo) wave his hand over my bowling ball to give it a little extra magic juice. It was adorable. Blake (9yo) would help us figure out which pins we should try to knock down. Plus 5-Fives were a given for everyone!! And little Baby Sam got to bowl for the 1st time! HOW CUTE!! Then Mike put baby sam on my lap while I was sitting....BAD IDEA. I didn't want to let him go LOL....I skipped my turn to bowl because I was having so much fun with Sam. Then Caden came over and gave Sam a hug. Hello that was like a trifecta of cuteness!! An overload if you will. Then when we were done I was showing Blake how to do the wave with his hands which turned into the whole group of us (about 10) doing the wave in a big circle! Lets just say I had a blast.
Saturday afternoon and Night- So after the bowling my best friend Sondra came to my house. We had decided that it would be fun to get lost on Ft. Eustis. I only know where the Commissary, PX, and Gym are and I really would like to see the rest of Post. So we get on Post and decide that we are hungry. We head straight over to the PX and get some food. While we are sitting there I'm telling her about my morning and how I want kids. She said that she and Will have bounced around the ideas a couple times but they are going to wait. I told her that they were lucky because they live with her brother, sis-in-law and their child Aly (2 yo). So they basically get to play with Aly all the time and get to help with Parenting which takes the baby edge off. She began telling me that her brother and sis-in-law had asked their other sisters husband to watch Aly tonight but that they don't like that guy cause he's not really good with Aly. He's pretty much an asshole. Sondra was like we can watch Aly tonight if you want to. And I was like heck yeah! So Sondra decided that instead of going to her house and just watching her there we should bring Aly to my house so I really get to know how it feels to parent. I liked this idea. So we went to the comissary and picked up groceries first and then headed to pick up Aly. (so now we have completely scrapped the idea of getting lost on post, going to the 2 places I know how to get to and heading off again hahaha).
So we pick up Aly and I put her in her car seat (1x I've done that). Then we went into the grocery store to pick up a bottle of juice. Once we got to my house I baby proofed it the best I could. She danced in my living room and found things I've never realized were in my house haha. I then changed my 1st pee diaper ever. It was a little weird changing a diaper, not gonna lie. but Sondra said I did a really good job. Then I proceeded to make dinner...which I normally suck at but I guess the mommy gene came out of me because it was pretty good. I tried to get Aly to say my name since her words are limited. She gave the a name that sounded close to mama like I decided to make my name a little easier for her so she started calling me lala (carla---lala..) So I helped her eat dinner. Then we boiled eggs and had an Easter egg coloring kit and helped her dye Easter eggs. It was her 1st time ever doing it. It was sooo funny. She just dunked the whole egg in the cup of coloring hahahah and then she just rolled it around the paint. It was soo cute. Then it was straight up to bath time. I've never given a baby a bath either. So Sondra set me up and told me what I needed to do then she left to go clean the kitchen as I baby bathed. haha. She doesn't like getting her hair wet so I thought of discrete ways of doing it and making her laugh so she wouldn't go on complete freak out mode. After she was clean I put on her PJ's and we brushed her teeth. Man these were a lot of 1sts. Then we were watching Elmo downstairs on the couch with a big quilt. It was nice. Then she made the poop face. and Sondra looked at me and told me that this would be my 1st poopy diaper. I was scared hahaha. So I take off that diaper and there was sitting a little poopy right in her butt. I'm not gonna lie. I've never seen a poopy in a butt EVER. I never was around babies. I'm used to school aged kids. So I held my breath and just did the job needed and I thought I would freak out but I feel I did a pretty good job. Then we watched some more elmo and Blues Clues. Then you could tell she was getting sleepy. So Sondra told me how to rock her to sleep and put her in bed. So I went up stairs and rocked her to sleep and layed her in the bed. But you have to lay next to her or she'll get up. So I was laying in the dark with her, trying not to fall asleep my self and every time I would get up to leave she would sit straight up. So after a little maneuvering and time I figured a way to get out of the bed w/o waking her. And that was it. I have now taken care of a baby!! YAY! And I have to say that I can imagine taking care of a baby by yourself. It's a lot of work. I give my respect to those single mothers/fathers out there and military wives/husbands that take care of all the kids when their SO is deployed! It's tough stuff. So I still want a baby, but I think just babysitting for a while will do just fine. It was a fun Saturday!!
Friday, February 26, 2010
It makes me sooo angry when some people are just sooo mean! I don't get it! And it's even worse when there isn't anything you can do about it. DH called me today and you could immediately tell something was wrong. I asked him what happened and he said that today the guys were taking about who was going to be taking the shop cars on base in Iraq to get around. Well they had made certain arrangements, but I guess one of the guys didn't realize that most of the rest of the shop was going to be at a commanders call and Cody was going to class on base. So Cody knew that this guy was going to need a ride. So the good guy that my husband wanted to make sure this guy had a ride before he left for his class. Well, the guy was sleeping and Cody woke him up and asked him if he needed a ride. The guy rolled over and basically ripped him a new one for waking him up. Cody then went to class and I guess later that night they were in the car heading the the chow hall and Cody asked him if he was tired. And the guy rudely said "What do you think?" and he said there was this huge tension between them.
Now this pissed the crap outta me!! It makes me soooooooooooo angry! Cody was just trying to be a good guy and the guy takes it out on him. OK if you are tired and grumpy, apologize after it happens, don't make things worse by being a dick! Now Cody is feeling like crap and wondering if HE should apologize. GRRR!!! Nobody should make him feel bad. And I know this is a big deal to Cody because he likes for everyone to be in a good mood and it bugs him when someone is being mean all the time. And it doesn't help that when Cody was a little kid if he woke his dad up by accident, his dad would basically beat him. So it brings back bad feeling when this type of this happened with his dad. And all I wanted to do was hug him and tell him it's going to be okay. That he doesn't deserve to feel that way and that this guy doesn't deserve to be around someone as good as Cody. I just want my baby to be feeling better and happy. And there isn't anything I can do. I mean he said just talking to me made him feel better, but you could still hear it in his voice. I'm hoping this dude wakes up tomorrow and realizes what an ass he has been and trys to be a little nicer in general. And I've met this guy before and I didn't like him when I met him. I normally am a very talkative person and I like to socialize with the guys in his shop just so I can get to know them. During the last thing we were at (one of the 1st times I was at something he was at) he didn't stop to say hi to like anyone. Some of the other guys at the shop were like "Hey man" and he would just raise his chin, no smile or say anything and keep walking. I'm also observe people...I guess it's the Social Work skills..... And I saw the way he talked and interacted with other people....and he isn't a friendly person. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.......................what can I do?? I just want Cody to feel better!!!
Now this pissed the crap outta me!! It makes me soooooooooooo angry! Cody was just trying to be a good guy and the guy takes it out on him. OK if you are tired and grumpy, apologize after it happens, don't make things worse by being a dick! Now Cody is feeling like crap and wondering if HE should apologize. GRRR!!! Nobody should make him feel bad. And I know this is a big deal to Cody because he likes for everyone to be in a good mood and it bugs him when someone is being mean all the time. And it doesn't help that when Cody was a little kid if he woke his dad up by accident, his dad would basically beat him. So it brings back bad feeling when this type of this happened with his dad. And all I wanted to do was hug him and tell him it's going to be okay. That he doesn't deserve to feel that way and that this guy doesn't deserve to be around someone as good as Cody. I just want my baby to be feeling better and happy. And there isn't anything I can do. I mean he said just talking to me made him feel better, but you could still hear it in his voice. I'm hoping this dude wakes up tomorrow and realizes what an ass he has been and trys to be a little nicer in general. And I've met this guy before and I didn't like him when I met him. I normally am a very talkative person and I like to socialize with the guys in his shop just so I can get to know them. During the last thing we were at (one of the 1st times I was at something he was at) he didn't stop to say hi to like anyone. Some of the other guys at the shop were like "Hey man" and he would just raise his chin, no smile or say anything and keep walking. I'm also observe people...I guess it's the Social Work skills..... And I saw the way he talked and interacted with other people....and he isn't a friendly person. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.......................what can I do?? I just want Cody to feel better!!!
I slept like a BABY last night
OMG....I feel AMAZING today!! I slept sooooooo good last night. I prayed about it and was in the middle of praying for Cody when Cody texted me how much he loved me. I love God and everything he does! It's amazing! So now I'm feeling VERY upbeat!! WOO HOO! Just wanted to say that!! And it's Friday too!!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Bad Dreams and Exhaustion
So this whole week I've had the most horrible dreams. I can't actually remember what they were about but I continually toss and turn and I wake up in the middle night almost petrified. Then of course my alarm goes off and I'm sooooo tired because I haven't gotten any sleep. It's really weird that I'm having such horrible sleep. I have NEVER ever had multiple bad nights. And I don't know why. It it something I ate, something I have seen, done, stress.....I have no idea. But I don't know what to do to make it better. So I'm not really sure who I should ask about this anyway....a sleep doctor? haha a regular doctor? A psychologist LOL....well if this was continual for a long time I might actually look into it. But I'm hoping that it will work itself out and praying that tonight will be a better night. Another thing that I've been doing all this week has been thinking of Cody when going to bed...I mean of course I think about him every night....but this week I've been really dreaming about his homecoming and the airport scene. And it's a really intense happiness when I'm heading to sleep....I don't know if that is flipping when I go to bed to be something horrible....who knows! I give up trying to figure it out why. I just wish Cody were here to let me fall asleep in his arms, and have him kiss my forehead and rub my head till I fall asleep. Well see how tonight's sleep goes....
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Got Yeti??
So my co-worker and I (one of the girls that went to Puerto Rico) were talking about the Sky Mall Magazine on airplanes and I expressed my love for the 3 foot Yeti Statue!! She agreed and while we were at work looked up pictures of the Yeti Statue and people had actually put up pictures of them dressing up the Yeti and put user reviews. At this point, we decided without a doubt that our unit MUST HAVE THE YETI!!!! Hello-it would make EVERYONE laugh and it will help reduce the stress from the very difficult issues we have to work with on a daily basis. Well, during our joking banter, she said something about a powerpoint presentation. I was like Girl, I'm totally on it. 8 pictures of yeti's and 15 minutes later we have the most amazing powerpoint presentation to convince the rest of our co-workers that they want to chip in to buy the yeti statue. So today we got the projector and told everyone we had a presentation for our unit meeting (our supervisor is wonderful and allows us to be goofy). The night before we made shirts that said "Got Yeti?" And had this stupid things is our hair! Super tacky! The presentation started out looking like a boring slide show about reducing burnout. 1 slide into it they started to realize it was one big joke! It was HILARIOUS!! Totally not politically correct, but hilarious! So I'm hoping to say that by the end of the week we will have enough office volunteers to buy the Yeti Statue LOL!!! I can't wait!!! By the way, I love my co-workers they are ridiculous! We continued to walk around the office the whole day wearing our Got Yeti t-shirts hahahaha And yes, I understand this is such a random post haha
Monday, February 22, 2010
Working Out when I'm actually working out at the gym I really like it.....afterwards.....I feel amazing and healthy that I went to work out. But why is it soo hard to GET to the gym? It's like a dread it....but it doesn't make sense, bc I feel great during and after. Weird!!
But I went today and I feel GREAT!! Now the hard part....I need to go again tomorrow! I want to get into a routine. But it seems like every time I try to get in a routine, I can't...b/w work, school, appointments, friends, family. Tomorrow I have the the question go to the gym and drool on myself (hahaha) or not to go and suck because I'm never going to get in a routine.
Ok....I'm just talking in circles LOL
But I went today and I feel GREAT!! Now the hard part....I need to go again tomorrow! I want to get into a routine. But it seems like every time I try to get in a routine, I can't...b/w work, school, appointments, friends, family. Tomorrow I have the the question go to the gym and drool on myself (hahaha) or not to go and suck because I'm never going to get in a routine.
Ok....I'm just talking in circles LOL
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Hard Start of the Weekend turns into AMAZING weekend!
I had the BESTEST night last night around 3:30am!! I got to SKYPE with DH for like 35mins!!!! WOO HOO!!
I have my skype play a song when DH gets on...and around 3:30am it he came on so I video called him and he answered!
It was butt crack in the morning and I was sooo tired, my hair wasn't done, make up not on....and he just kept telling me how beautiful I am and how much he missed me! It felt soo good just to lay in bed and talk with him!! It felt like we were almost there together!!
Then today around noon....we SKYPED again! We made faces at each other and "kissed" the webcam and I brought the webcam all over the house to show him what it looks like (like my crazy scrapbooking stuff ALL OVER the place, the new dishwasher, his car-to prove that I've driven it to keep it working). But it's soo great I got to see him again. It's like God knew I was having a hard time and he somehow managed to allow Cody to call me during the times I needed it. It really has made me feel like he was sorta with me this weekend. And it's so great to be able to just interact with him. I mean mail, packages, email....they are all wonderful means of communication. But you can't beat actually seeing the other person! And I also feel so lucky that we found each other. I always think that I'm the lucky one....I can't believe that he wants to be with me.....and the amazing thing is he feels the same way....he says that he feels like HE is the lucky one and can't believe that I chose him! That really means a lot to me! It really shows that we are so deeply in love! I'm so glad that I have zero doubts about Cody. I hear stories from other ladies and friends that have told me that they feel like they have "settled" for their husband and wonder if they made the right choice. And that breaks my heart for them! Especially my best friend! But it makes me realize that Cody is my #1 choice and I'm his #1 I know that we'll be willing to WORK for our relationship and WORK through the difficult times. There isn't any easy out option! We're in this for the long haul! And I can't wait to spend every minute of my life sharing adventures with Cody! OK, so I'm totally rambling about how much I love Cody again hahahaha....this blog is going to get boring if I keep saying the same thing over and over again!!
Wow, this has totally made my weekend!! DH is sooo sweet!!!
On a sad note- I'm doing laundry right now! haha...on a saturday night! What can I say...I'm a wild one!
I have my skype play a song when DH gets on...and around 3:30am it he came on so I video called him and he answered!
It was butt crack in the morning and I was sooo tired, my hair wasn't done, make up not on....and he just kept telling me how beautiful I am and how much he missed me! It felt soo good just to lay in bed and talk with him!! It felt like we were almost there together!!
Then today around noon....we SKYPED again! We made faces at each other and "kissed" the webcam and I brought the webcam all over the house to show him what it looks like (like my crazy scrapbooking stuff ALL OVER the place, the new dishwasher, his car-to prove that I've driven it to keep it working). But it's soo great I got to see him again. It's like God knew I was having a hard time and he somehow managed to allow Cody to call me during the times I needed it. It really has made me feel like he was sorta with me this weekend. And it's so great to be able to just interact with him. I mean mail, packages, email....they are all wonderful means of communication. But you can't beat actually seeing the other person! And I also feel so lucky that we found each other. I always think that I'm the lucky one....I can't believe that he wants to be with me.....and the amazing thing is he feels the same way....he says that he feels like HE is the lucky one and can't believe that I chose him! That really means a lot to me! It really shows that we are so deeply in love! I'm so glad that I have zero doubts about Cody. I hear stories from other ladies and friends that have told me that they feel like they have "settled" for their husband and wonder if they made the right choice. And that breaks my heart for them! Especially my best friend! But it makes me realize that Cody is my #1 choice and I'm his #1 I know that we'll be willing to WORK for our relationship and WORK through the difficult times. There isn't any easy out option! We're in this for the long haul! And I can't wait to spend every minute of my life sharing adventures with Cody! OK, so I'm totally rambling about how much I love Cody again hahahaha....this blog is going to get boring if I keep saying the same thing over and over again!!
Wow, this has totally made my weekend!! DH is sooo sweet!!!
On a sad note- I'm doing laundry right now! haha...on a saturday night! What can I say...I'm a wild one!
My DH is just soooo adorable!!
Here he goofball
We're making faces at each other!
All smiles
I had him flex for me LOL...hotness
Saying bye...BOO!!
Here he goofball
We're making faces at each other!
All smiles
I had him flex for me LOL...hotness
Saying bye...BOO!!
Friday, February 19, 2010
My heart hurts again
WOW.............this is sooooooooooooo hard!! My eyes are just so tired and hurt from crying for so long! I was doing sooo good lately. I've been staying busy and having fun with family and friends. And I needed some time alone, to regroup, to relax. But with alone time comes reflection...comes memories.....comes hurt! I would give my right kidney if I could just be laying next to Cody! I can't believe that I married my best friend....the best man I've ever known! It's funny, as a little kid I grew up watching all the Princess movies....Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Little Mermaid......and I always had this fairytale type of fantasy that I would one day have the same life. That I would have my "happily ever after" have my very own prince. And you go through life trying to find that.....and a couple times I think, we'll this guy...this relationship is never have I thought this is THE ONE.....until I met Cody! And I can't believe that I'm soo happy! When he is here or when he is deployed, whenever I think about him or whenever I am with feels like I'm in heaven, like I've found the ONE person that I was made for. I look at our love and I know it will last forever and ever! I've never felt more sure about anything in my life! God blesses you in so many ways and I have to say that I've been soo blessed! I've had the best parents in the world and now I have the best husband in the world. How does he make me feel beautiful and special everyday??? I fall more in love with him everday....that's just amazing!
OMG, he just sent me an email to my cell phone....and I just ended up balling at this very second! He just wrote me "Goodnight my little sugarbear I love you with all my heart! Your the bestest wiff in da world. I wanna tuck you in and hold you tight until you fall asleep"! did I get so lucky to find him??
And last night he sent me 2 emails to my cell saying "Your my true love and I'm crazzy about ya, I can't stand being away from ya!" and then right after that he sent me one saying "I can't listen to country music because all I do is think about you and how wonderful and loving and gorgeous you are, goodnight gorgeous georgie"
My eyes are soo red right now, LOL, I'm soo pathetic, such a dork! But I just really really hurt right now! I just want him to rub my head and make all the hurt go away! Deployments are definitely NOT for the weak!
OMG, he just sent me an email to my cell phone....and I just ended up balling at this very second! He just wrote me "Goodnight my little sugarbear I love you with all my heart! Your the bestest wiff in da world. I wanna tuck you in and hold you tight until you fall asleep"! did I get so lucky to find him??
And last night he sent me 2 emails to my cell saying "Your my true love and I'm crazzy about ya, I can't stand being away from ya!" and then right after that he sent me one saying "I can't listen to country music because all I do is think about you and how wonderful and loving and gorgeous you are, goodnight gorgeous georgie"
My eyes are soo red right now, LOL, I'm soo pathetic, such a dork! But I just really really hurt right now! I just want him to rub my head and make all the hurt go away! Deployments are definitely NOT for the weak!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
SKYPE with Cody
I Feel ON TOP OF THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!! I GOT TO SKYPE WITH CODY for the first time in ever ever!! We got to talk for about 15 mins. Unfortunately I was at work so no privacy....but I'll take it!! I felt like a teenage school girl...giggly and nervous! When the video came on for both of us....we had the biggest smiles! Both of us had smiles ear to ear and just looked at each other for about 5 mins! Wow, how did this man win my heart.....He is the best thing that's ever happened to me! He is just the sweetest most loveable person in the world! He showed me his dog tags and his wedding ring on it (He can't wear it on his finger because he works on generators and he could be killed since its a conductor).....he was like I look at it everyday! And he kept telling me how beautiful I am and how adorable I am and how much he loves me! It's know I've had people tell me it before (in the past).....but when Cody says it you can see his heart, you can see it in his eyes! He loves me just as much as I love him an d it's the most amazing feeling in the world to know that you are with the one person that was made for you! So then he held up his hands and made a little heart on the video, it was soo cute. And we "hugged" on the video and he gave me a "ducky kiss" makes me laugh so hard! Then when we had to go....we were like 13 years old or something "you go you go first....fine we'll go on didn't go....neither did's hard to cut off the person's face you love the most, it's a little easier ending a phone call, no one told me how hard it would be to end a video call! I'm soooooooooooooo HAPPY!!!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Sick as a dog....Puerto Rico Bound
So, on Wednesday (the day before we were supposed to leave for Puerto Rico)….I wake up around 4am sick as a dog. I immediately tried to take a shower to get ready for work KNOWING that I just had to get to work b/c I was leaving the next day for PR. I get in the shower and 3 mins later had to jump out to go and throw up (I know…way too much info.)….well it turned out that I couldn’t leave the bathroom because I was soo sick! So I called my supervisor and told her I couldn’t make it followed by calling my doctor to beg to fit me in his schedule. They told me that the was booked solid and that he was leaving today at 10:15am (it had been snowing like a frickin’ blizzard). But they explained they might have a cancellation bc of the snow. So my ass gets in the car and immediately drove to the doctors (it’s easier to turn someone down over the phone….not so much when they’re puking in their office). So luckily the nurses were really sweet and squeezed me in. Turned out I had some “goskdfjisejksdfj-virus”….I really understood the word virus in the whole deal…Doc said that I could be feeling better in a day or in a week! ARG!!!! A week???? Hello….I need to be in Puerto Rico in like 17 hrs!!! So I get to my parents home (it’s always nice to be sick at your parents home…they spoil you)…and my brother has the exact same thing as I had….looking dead on the couch! So my mom came home early (due to snow) and got us some Gatorade, pillows, blankets, made a fire, found a movie to play when we weren’t sleeping, gave us medicine…….MAN I LOVE MOM’s when your sick!! She was the BEST!! She was soo sweet!! Even the smell of food just had us running to the bathroom, so she and dad ate out so we wouldn’t have to smell it in the house! I felt like the only option left was death at a certain point….it was horrible!! But slowly but surely throughout the day I ran to the bathroom less, sat up a couple times, and by the end of the night had a ¼ of a PB&J sandwich (about 4 bites). AND IT STAYED DOWN!! YAY!! Still feeling like crap though, I didn’t know if I was going to be able to go to Puerto Rico. My girlfriends were texting me left and right hoping that I could go still and telling me to get better FAST! Even my supervisor at work was like “Girl…you are going….even if I have to take you to PR myself”. So 2:30am came awfully quickly (the time my friend was picking me up) and I decided to go! It was ROUGH!! But I didn’t pay a crap ton of money just to throw it away…literally! So I looked like death, but headed to Puerto Rico!
Sick as a dog.....Puerto Rico Bound!
Sick as a dog.....Puerto Rico Bound!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Puerto Rico with my Skanks!! they really aren't skanks! They are the most awesome girls that I've worked with! They are HILARIOUS!! One is single, one is married with a 1 yr old baby, and then there's me...newlywed! I love these girls b/c they talk about some crazy shit....but they have amazing values! So I know I can get crazy with them but in a totally legit way....they are faithful and trustworthy....but they have no problem jokin' it up and laughing and doing some stupid things! So us three are heading to SAN JUAN PUERTO RICO over Valentine's day weekend for 5 days!! WOOT WOOT!! YAY!!! 1st...I'm excited because I won't be dwelling on the fact that Cody is deployed. 2.....we are going to have a blast and have soo much fun 3........BEACH!!!!
So we came up with what we are calling "SNAP DRINKS"....basically this is how it goes: Starting Thursday at 3:00am (when we're heading to the airport) through Monday when we are coming home, anyone of us can throw out a "dare" and say the number of "snap drinks" they will get for completing the dare. ie. Suzanne said 3 snap drinks go to the person that does "The Carlton" dance at the airport while we are in line to get on the plane! So if one of us does the Carlton Dance (from Fresh Prince) then Suzanne will buy us 3 drinks when we get to Puerto Rico!! SHITS gonna get crazy!! hahaha....but in a totally innocent way!
Valentines Day
Can we say "Ouch"???? My heart hurts soo bad right now, what I would do to have Cody back with me. And you know what is funny?? I don't get sad too much thinking about Valentines Day (sure it sucks and I'm jealous of all the women that have their men with them).....but I actually miss him more because of the little things! Like rubbing my head, dancing in the kitchen, playing pony (I'll have to go into more detail for this one hahaha, it's soooooooooo much fun). I even miss the things that annoyed me about him, like chewing ice in my ear as we cuddled on the couch, making a mess in the bathroom when he washes his face (he basically takes a shower in the damn sink haha). I almost find that it is easier not to think about him. Because when I do think about REALLY think about him I get really sad! It's funny how you can talk about someone and think about them but there is a HUGE different between talking about him and REALLY thinking about him! Cody told me that he sent me my Valentines Day package and now everyday when I get home from work I'm thinking it's like Christmas is coming!! And I can't wait till his computer get there HELLO SKYPE DATES!! YAY YAY YAY!! And yesterday, he was soo cute. I asked if he saw the Superbowl yet and he told me that they were showing it and were rationing 2 beers for each person. So I asked him if he got his. ANd he told me that he hasn't because I am his priority and that he'd rather talk to me then drink beer and watch football AAWWWW was just cute!
Starving obviously lame-o post....but I'm STARVING!!!
I'm working in the adult services unit twice a week to try to finish my internship for my master’s program and I went out on an appeals meeting. Well we got back and it’s lunch time….but I forgot that I have a dentist appointment at 2:30pm so I can’t take my lunch break now so I can use it for my doc.appt. that way they don’t make me take any annual/sick leave. But now I’m sitting here starving…I haven’t had anything since 6am….but when I leave here for the appointment, I don’t want to stop somewhere quick for a bite before the doc. Because I’m going to the DENTIST…and I don’t have a travel toothbrush with me. So that means I’m going to have to wait a total of like 9 hours w/o eating! And for those that don’t know me…I like to eat LOL…soo yummy! I’m dying right now!!!! HELP!! Someone bring me food!!
I'm working in the adult services unit twice a week to try to finish my internship for my master’s program and I went out on an appeals meeting. Well we got back and it’s lunch time….but I forgot that I have a dentist appointment at 2:30pm so I can’t take my lunch break now so I can use it for my doc.appt. that way they don’t make me take any annual/sick leave. But now I’m sitting here starving…I haven’t had anything since 6am….but when I leave here for the appointment, I don’t want to stop somewhere quick for a bite before the doc. Because I’m going to the DENTIST…and I don’t have a travel toothbrush with me. So that means I’m going to have to wait a total of like 9 hours w/o eating! And for those that don’t know me…I like to eat LOL…soo yummy! I’m dying right now!!!! HELP!! Someone bring me food!!
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